Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Motto to live by, or hog wash

This post is in response to Texas Politics blog Illegal Immigrants, Good or Bad for Texas. I liked the blog, I actually learned something from it. It raises many questions though. Like, if we were able to make money from them off of property tax and state revenue, how much more could of been made if they paid their federal taxes (Texas gets money back for the Government for this too.) What about the companies who employ them, how much money was the state out of because of this? The unemployment fee paid for them? Another question to ask is, how much are we spending on guarding the so called border? The immigration problem faced, is not only in Texas, it's a burden carried by all who pay taxes. Be it through the money problem or the fact that our families a Mom , Dad, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, Nephew, Uncle, or whom ever it is down on our borders everyday taking risks, the ultimate risk, to guard it. These precious lives should not be forgotten when speaking of our immigration problem. I personally do not understand why we just do not open our boarders and paper everyone coming through We would be able to collect the taxes from them and keep track of them. On the flip side, I honestly think that People need to stop and think for a moment when they speak of what they call Illegal's. I do believe that the motto on our Statue of Liberty tells it all,"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." by Emma Lazarus." If we want to stop illegal's we need to get rid of her first thing. I am positive, as a US citizen we should live up to what we preach. If this is ending up more like an editorial or commentary of my own I am truly sorry. I did not mean to go this far. In a nut shell I liked his blog and agree with it. Power to the thinkers of the world!

Changing my name to “LAW”

You would think changing a name would be a simple process! Well it probably is easy, if you are changing your name from “Bill” to lets say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Although try getting a name to change from [a] Bill to [a] Law, it’s not such a simple task. When I asked how to get a bill changed to a law, a Professor told me, “Contact my Representative” he (the professor) stressed this to me three different times. I was confused at first, then the professor kindly emailed me the steps it takes for a bill to become a Law, and I now fully understand why. There are multiple steps (26) that are taken by the members of our Legislature to get a bill changed into a law. (STEP 1) Finding someone to speak for you: If you are a Constituent you must get a Representative, and only a Representative if you wish to introduce a bill that involves taxes or spending of the state’s money, otherwise you can use your senator to introduce your idea on the floor of the Senate. The next 24 steps are taken by the Legislatures’ themselves. (STEP 2) The Draft: The person, who has accepted this task, now needs to draft your idea or trash it. At this point it’s not even considered a bill. (STEP 3) Legal Help: Your person of choice will get legal council to help draft your idea into a bill. (If you are successful at getting someone to draft your idea, you have made it over the first hurdle, congratulations!) (STEP 4) The introduction and first reading: The bill must be introduce in the first 60 calendar days of the Legislative Session. Otherwise any time after that it takes a huge majority (four-fifths) of the members present and voting to get the bill introduced. The only exception in getting it introduced later is if it’s a local bill or a bill related to an emergency declared by the governor. If it is introduced at this time, your bill will now be put to the floor for the first reading; a caption (a short version of the bill) is read, making everyone aware of the bill and its context. (STEP 5) The Committee: The bill will now be handed over to a Committee. It will be researched and discussed then an action will be taken. It’s at this point that public opinion could be taken into consideration. Also at this point it’s possible that no public opinion is heard, this depends upon the House/Senate itself, and the type of committee meeting it is. (STEP 6) Findings: The action taken by the Committee now is a report, consisting of recommendations, record of votes, the bill itself, detailed analysis, fiscal note and or impact statement as necessary. The report is then printed and given to every member of the house or senate. The bill will now be put on a Committee on Calendars or the Committee on Local Consent Calendars for placement on a calendar for consideration by the full house. In the senate, local and non controversial bills are scheduled for senate consideration by the Senate Administration Committee. All other bills in the senate are placed on the regular order of business for consideration by the full senate in the order in which the bills were reported from the committee. In the senate a bill on the regular order of business may not be brought up for floor consideration unless the senate sponsor has filed a written notice of the intent to suspend the regular order of business for consideration of the bill. (STEP 7) Second Reading: If you bill has made it out of the committees’ it is now time for a second reading. Caption only once again, and then debated by full membership of the chambers. Any member may offer amendments, but a majority of the members present and voting must approve. All the members now vote on passing the bill, you might think the process is over now, but not so. (STEP 8) Third reading: If the bill is passed on the second reading, it’s then considered by the full body again on a third reading, amendments may still be added at this point .Once again a vote must approve the changes. In the house the third reading is usually the next day, but in the senate it usually happens on the same day. Although according the Texas Constitution a bill is required to be read on three separate days, but as we have learned the legislatures make the rules, and the rule maybe suspended if a four-fifths vote agrees to do so. (The senate will usually suspend the rule, while in the house they generally take the full three days). (STEP 9) First Passage: If your bill has now made it (out of the House) this far congratulations, because it’s considered passed. But guess what! It has to be approved by the other side of the chamber (Senate). (STEP 10-20) Back to the Drawing Board: It will go through all the readings and changes on the other side of the building as described above. (STEP 21-22) Changes Made: Now if your bill had amendments added to it while going through the other side of the Chamber, it will be necessary for the originating chamber to agree to it or disagree with it. If in disagreement, a committee (Conference Committee) will be formed to try to settle the differences. Once the differences are settled, the bill will be put into its final form signed by the presiding officer and sent to the governor. If no settlement agreement is reached, guess what, all was done in vain and the bill now becomes trash. (STEP 23-26) Almost the Last Hurdle: The Governor can now veto the bill or sign it. If he chooses not to sign it he must veto it (he has 10 days) otherwise it will become law automatically, without his signature. If it is vetoed the house in which it originated will be given a reason. Then the Legislature (if still in session) can override it with two –thirds majority. Also if the bill is submitted to the governor within 10 days of final adjournment, the governor then has 20 days to sign, veto, or let it become law without a signature. If no veto by the governor, guess what? CONGRATULATIONS the name has changed, what was once named Bill is now a [Texas] Law.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Confused in Texas

This is in response to "Fess Up, Y'all Know Govt Matters" blog posted on April 6, 2010. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, we all have different opinions, and some do stink. This post makes me want to go Republican! One might believe that the sub-subtitle (guess that is what it is) is uncalled for and offensive. The GOP (Grand Old Party) is probably rolling on the floor and laughing their . . . off. Use of language like that is not going to get anyone anywhere except on the watch list. This is suppose to be about Texas Government, not national. What Perry said to the GOP at the conference pertained to national government, and he was probably throwing his hat into the ring to become our next President. Watch out America! Links as to where you obtained your information from would be nice to see. As for your comment about the last Democrat in office, first you are you talking about Texas then you bounce to National Government. FYI: Ann Richards was the last Democratic Governor of Texas in 1991-95.
I do like your comment about Perry and Regan thou.
All in all I would have to, "Just say no" about this post!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


This Law, Originally written in 1859:

"Art. 1.21. PRIVILEGE OF LEGISLATURES. Senators and Representatives shall, except in cases of treason, felony or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the session of the Legislature, and in going to and returning from the same, allowing one day for every twenty miles such member may reside from the place at which the Legislature is convened."

Stands to this day as unchanged as it has for over a century. No changes have occurred to it since its inception. I understand it was enacted in a era that was in need of such a law, this was a very difficult time in our Texas History. As it stands now according to the above entitled law a legislative member who lives in a place as remote as Texline, Texas would be exempt from being arrested for a two hundred two day period, as long as they were in route to or from a session. This is strong proof, that the Texas Constitution needs a bit of updating.
FYI: According to a KXAN.com report, the DPS (Department Public Safety) interpret the bill as any vehicle that contains a Legislator, being its driver or passenger, are entitled to be apart of this law. The DPS, also feel that issuing a ticket is a form of arrest. Therefore any type of ticket, falling within the scope of this law, would be considered illegal for them to issue. What is puzzling is why we have a standing committee that researches the constitution and updates it, yet they chose to over look this law. You would think that it has been read by the committee, because the law right below it has been revised. This law should be changed to reflect the modes of transportation available today. We know it takes, at the most, and I'm being generous, two and a half days to drive all the way through Texas. With Austin being almost in the center of Texas, it only takes less than fourteen hours to travel to Austin from any given point in Texas. Oh wait, I'll give you eighteen hours to stop and fill your tummy and bladder, then a stop to release it once again!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Cry Heard Around the World


Yes, that is what was said. As some people are sitting stunned in their seats, others are putting their hands over their mouths, thinking OMG! (Oh My Gosh). Just to be politically correct. I sit here, at my computer, wondering if I should even dignify myself with a reply to this. I think so, so here goes. I saw a blog, "Three Men and a Baby Killer" from In the Pink: Texas Monthly.
I'm not quite sure who she is aiming this at, but it doesn't really make sense, I question just how someone who is pro-life a baby killer? The blog starts by saying "Attorney General Greg Abbott has announced that Texas will legally challenge the health care plan just passed by the House in order to save us from such baby killers as Catholic nuns and pro-life Democrats." How can he/she call people who choose to have abortions baby killers? All pro-life people out there have a right to say what they will, just as all WOMEN have the right to have an abortion if they choose. I see nothing wrong with allowing our Government to put in a clause (executive order) that they will not fund abortions. But I do hope that it excludes victims of rape though. Oh yes, they have the day after pill for that. No abortion necessary there, right. Anyway, lets continue with the blog. The blog then goes on to speak about Rep. Randy Neugebauer, his famous words, and the other Congressmen, reporters, and staffers around who didn't speak up and "tattle" on him, she said "she would of ." Well goody-goody for her. She then condemns the man, because he had to have prostrate surgery. (Like that is any thing like abortion. Well, maybe, it's real close!!) She say's that "all he wants to do is deny us the same finest medical treatment care he received." If we are not able to seek the medical treatment we want, than how can it be the finest medical care? This act can possibly put women back on a kitchen table with a rusty knife and a wire coat hanger. I hate to think of that way, but wake-up people! Do we really want the Government telling us we have to have medical insurance or face a fine? How are we to afford another mandated insurance. So now it will be a choice between auto insurance or health insurance for some. Go figure! What I do not understand is, if it is a national health care system, then why don't we just pay all the money for health insurance to the government in a Tax Hike on our salaries an eliminate the need for health insurance companies? A Doctor told me that, five percent of the taxes collected now, will cover a national health care system. Things that make you go HUM?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

No Tax Hike the Best Tax

An opinion editorial written by Michael Landauer, assistant editor, dated February 19, 2010, from the Dallas Morning News entitled: Whats your favorite tax? , apparently written to try to ease the minds of Texans. While trying to quench the thoughts of those who are in disagreement of the Gas Tax and its need to be raised. I found this to be a good eye opening read , telling us that we need to watch out. Michael states the Gas Tax is his favorite tax. That it is fair for all, and we can control how much we pay into it. He writes, it encourages good behavior, cleans our air and eases congestion on our roads. He seams to think it's a transparent and stable tax, that grows as our economy grows. That it doesn't give our Texas Government a blank check with it's funds. He tries to put the blame on our "lack" of government's courage and foresight for the need to raise this tax. But yet, he adds that there are exceptions that are included in this tax, which shift the burden to the homeowners.
The points Michael raise here, about this being a good tax, are a mute points if you are "Joe the Plumber". Our Texas Government pulls in over 77.5 billion (2009) dollars annually in taxes and puts it to use where and when they deem necessary. Such as, writing a $10,000 a month check for our Governor to live in a rental, while the governors mansion is under a 3 million dollar or more renovation. Which by the way, was under construction before the arson of the mansion.
Michael tries to convenience us that it's a good tax, and that it will grow as the economy grows. If this were the case, than why has it not kept pace? Let it ride the downfall like we Texan's have to.
Michael also tries to compensate the need to raise this tax by throwing the burden of our traffic problem onto our Texas Government. Saying "Officials either need to raise the rate or let the traffic get worse." Telling us our elected officials have chosen worse traffic because they are "Lacking courage of foresight." This is not the case, they (Texas Government) have taken huge steps to elevate the problem by widening some roads and building toll roads.
If we take what Michael has written here into consideration, it tells us that our Texas Government needs to stop giving exceptions from taxes. To everyone, not just some. If not totally for good, on all taxes, at least until a few problems are elevated. Such as our transportation and our deficit.
As an American who is a proud Texan speaking, my favorite tax would have to be "no tax hike." But as a Texan proud to live in America we have to pay our dues. No way around it. But, there are other ways to produce money for our government other than raising taxes for our citizens. If we can learn anything here its that the people of Texas need to stand up and take notice.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The place in the know

I found this site, Travis County. You might want to check it out. It will give you the low down on what is going to be on the ballots for the March primaries 2010, and any other elections that will come along in the future. I have also learned the reason for the Propositions on the Republic Ballots, is because they are taking a survey: "On the Republican ballot only, there are five ballot propositions that are the Republican Party's way of gauging the importance of certain issues to Republican voters. These ARE NOT constitutional amendments." Taken from this site. That's the way to use the system! But my Democratic self won't say another word.
Here is what they are asking you:
Proposition 1: The Texas legislature should make it a priority to protect the integrity of our election process by enacting legislation that requires voters to provide valid photo identification in order to cast a ballot in any and all elections conducted in the State of Texas.

Proposition 2: Every government body in Texas should be required to limit any annual increase in its budget and spending to the combined increase of population and inflation unless it first gets voter approval to exceed the allowed annual growth or in the case of an official emergency.

Proposition 3: In addition to aggressively eliminating irresponsible federal spending, Congress should empower American citizens to stimulate the economy by Congress cutting federal income taxes for all federal taxpayers, rather than spending hundreds of billions of dollars on so-called “federal economic stimulus”.

Proposition 4: The use of the word “God”, prayers, and the Ten Commandments should be allowed at public gatherings and public educational institutions, as well as be permitted on government buildings and property.

Proposition 5: The Texas Legislature should enact legislation requiring a sonogram to be performed and shown to each mother about to undergo a medically unnecessary, elective abortion.