Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Cry Heard Around the World


Yes, that is what was said. As some people are sitting stunned in their seats, others are putting their hands over their mouths, thinking OMG! (Oh My Gosh). Just to be politically correct. I sit here, at my computer, wondering if I should even dignify myself with a reply to this. I think so, so here goes. I saw a blog, "Three Men and a Baby Killer" from In the Pink: Texas Monthly.
I'm not quite sure who she is aiming this at, but it doesn't really make sense, I question just how someone who is pro-life a baby killer? The blog starts by saying "Attorney General Greg Abbott has announced that Texas will legally challenge the health care plan just passed by the House in order to save us from such baby killers as Catholic nuns and pro-life Democrats." How can he/she call people who choose to have abortions baby killers? All pro-life people out there have a right to say what they will, just as all WOMEN have the right to have an abortion if they choose. I see nothing wrong with allowing our Government to put in a clause (executive order) that they will not fund abortions. But I do hope that it excludes victims of rape though. Oh yes, they have the day after pill for that. No abortion necessary there, right. Anyway, lets continue with the blog. The blog then goes on to speak about Rep. Randy Neugebauer, his famous words, and the other Congressmen, reporters, and staffers around who didn't speak up and "tattle" on him, she said "she would of ." Well goody-goody for her. She then condemns the man, because he had to have prostrate surgery. (Like that is any thing like abortion. Well, maybe, it's real close!!) She say's that "all he wants to do is deny us the same finest medical treatment care he received." If we are not able to seek the medical treatment we want, than how can it be the finest medical care? This act can possibly put women back on a kitchen table with a rusty knife and a wire coat hanger. I hate to think of that way, but wake-up people! Do we really want the Government telling us we have to have medical insurance or face a fine? How are we to afford another mandated insurance. So now it will be a choice between auto insurance or health insurance for some. Go figure! What I do not understand is, if it is a national health care system, then why don't we just pay all the money for health insurance to the government in a Tax Hike on our salaries an eliminate the need for health insurance companies? A Doctor told me that, five percent of the taxes collected now, will cover a national health care system. Things that make you go HUM?